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Now providing the latest news on Christian films

We have been involved in the nonprofit production and distribution of Christian films since 1959 (see Films for Christ). We are convinced of the importance of these productions. This is why we opened a Web site devoted to Christian Film News.

These are busy times for the production of new Christian films for release in theaters, on TV and video. Our Christian Film News section is designed to provide the latest information on new films, upcoming projects, Christian movies for TV, and more.

Due to their financial constraints, the sweat and prayer that Christian producers into their productions often goes under-noticed and under-appreciated. Christian films have been used by the Lord to win millions of souls. They should be used more often. Our new site promotes Christian films and provides greater public visibility to their production. (ChristianAnswers.Net receives over 1-million hits per day.)


Our ministry is nonprofit, Bible-believing and evangelical. It is made possible by gifts from concerned Christians (no foundations or wealthy people, just average Christian families and individuals who are excited about the Lord's work here).

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