Scheppings SuperBibliotheek

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Evolutie of Schepping: Wat maakt het nou uit? Antwoord
Wwat maakt het nou uit of iemand gelooft dat de wereld ontstond door schepping of evolutie? Kan men het Christendom en de Evolutie niet omhelzen?


Why do so many scientists endorse Evolution? Antwoord
Is it possible that there's a lot more to the story than meets the eye?

SCIENTISTS - How is it possible for reasonable, intelligent, well-educated people to hold such diametrically opposite views as Evolutionism and Creationism? Antwoord

SCIENTISTS - Do real scientists believe in Creation? Antwoord

CREATION-SCIENTISTS - Partial list of those that have an earned doctorate in science? See list

Which colleges and seminaries teach a literal Genesis, including six-day, young-earth Creation? (expanded) Antwoord
Here is a growing list of higher-learning institutions officially adhering to the literal, young-earth creationist viewpoint. To our knowledge, this is the most complete list in the world.

What do you do when your teacher is an evolutionist? Antwoord
10 TIPS for Christian students in secular classrooms.

Religious expression - What is legally permissible for students in America's public schools? Antwoord
When it comes to expressing their Christian faith in schools, many students (and administrators) have been confused about the legalities. What can students legally do, and what are they prohibited from doing? (School prayer, the Bible in schools, Bible clubs, religious tracts, essays on religious themes, religious artwork, etc.) Our answer provides a handy list of dos and don'ts.

Want to teach kids about Creation and dinosaurs? Go
Here's some wonderful resources

Is the religion of Secular Humanism being taught in public school classrooms? Antwoord
Has religion truly been banished from our public schools? Or is the religion just changing forms, from belief in God to declarative belief in no God?

Are we living in a moral Stone Age? Antwoord
Philosopher Christina Sommers charges that today's young people are suffering from “cognitive moral confusion.” They not only have trouble distinguishing right from wrong—they question whether such standards even exist. The threat this moral relativism poses to society is greater than any external danger.

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